All submissions will be peer reviewed and the accepted papers will be published by Springer, with ISBN, in a conference proceedings ebook. These papers are also Scopus Indexed and DOI assigned. A link to the conference proceedings ebook will be delivered to the delegates upon registration.
All authors are invited to submit Full Paper here.
The full paper should fulfill the template accordingly to the docx formats.
Submitted papers must have either 6, 8 or 10 pages. Less than 6 or more than 10 pages are not recommended, neither are papers with an odd number of pages.

Prémios ReadyToPub | ReadyToPub Awards
International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability
Os Prémios ReadyToPub serão atribuídos às melhores comunicações orais e melhores pósteres de estudantes (geral e participantes do sexo feminino). Os Prémios ReadyToPub têm como principal objetivo motivar e encorajar jovens investigadores a preparar os seus dados e com o auxílio da ReadyToPub tentar a publicação de artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com elevado fator de impacto.
A avaliação das comunicações será baseada em cinco critérios (mais detalhes no regulamento).Os prémios consistem na atribuição de créditos no valor de 250€ (melhor comunicação oral) e 150€ (melhor póster) para uso em serviços providenciados pela ReadyToPub. Os vencedores serão anunciados na cerimónia de encerramento da conferência. Para mais informações, por favor consulte o regulamento do Prémio.
The ReadyToPub Awards will be given to the best student oral communications and the best student posters (general and female participants). The main aim of the ReadyToPub Awards is to motivate and encourage young researchers to prepare their data and, with the help of ReadyToPub, attempt to publish papers in international journals with a high impact factor.
The evaluation of the communications will be based on five criteria (more details in the regulation).The awards consist of a credit worth €250 (best oral communications) and €150 (best posters) for use in services provided by ReadyToPub. The winners will be announced at the conference closing ceremony. For more information, please consult the regulation.